Celebrate Recovery
Every Thursday
Free meal served at 5:15 PM
Worship/Teaching at 6:00 PM
Share Groups at 7:00 PM
Step Studies: Tuesday nights 6-8 PM for Men and Women
For more information contact Gary at gary.boswell@westviewchristian.org
The purpose of Westview Christian Church’s Celebrate Recovery ministry is to celebrate God’s healing power in our lives through the 12 Steps and 8 Recovery Principles. We gain freedom from our addictive, compulsive, and dysfunctional behaviors through a safe place of sharing and working the 12 Steps.
Celebrate Recovery is a program:
- Where respect is given to each member.
- Where confidentiality is highly regarded
- Where you can take off your mask
- Where you can learn and grow in a safe place with others who share similar experiences.
Celebrate Recovery is not:
- A licensed Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Center.
- A therapy group.
- A place to look for dating relationships.
For Women:
- Addictions (Food/Chemical/Alcohol, etc.)
- Anger
- Anxiety/Depression
- Survivors of Abuse
- Codependency
- Young Women in Recovery (17-25)
For Men:
- Chemical/Alcohol Dependency
- Anger
- Codependency
- Sexual Integrity
- Anxiety/Depression/Self-Esteem